3 Reasons to Professionally Train a Puppy
Written by Tracy Breen
Anew puppy is a huge commitment and a lot of work. From chewing on the furniture to going potty in the house, a puppy can test the nerves of everyone living in the house. Training a new puppy to be a well-mannered dog and a good hunting companion is a tall task which is why more hunters are hiring a dog trainer to train their new puppy. “Hiring a trainer to train a puppy can cost a little money, but it is worth it,” said Brent Pike the owner of Pyke gear.
There are many reasons to hire a trainer but according to Pike, one of the main reasons he brings his dogs to a professional trainer is because a trainer has seen every type of dog problem out there and knows how to fix it. “I have owned many bird dogs and each one has their own personality. Each of them have had a few flaws,” Pike explained. “A good trainer has seen all the different flaws a dog can have and has experience dealing with those flaws. When I bring my puppy to a trainer, he works with my puppy and makes sure they get started off properly and deals with problems right away. He builds a strong foundation so my dog has the best shot at being a great hunting dog. I would much rather have a good trainer start my dog than muddle through the process myself.”
A respected trainer is good at training a puppy and they are good at training the dog owner. “When I get a new puppy, they typically stay with my family for awhile bonding and having a good time. Then the trainer will take the dog for a month and start the training process. When I pick the puppy up a few weeks later, my trainer will go over the things he has worked on, any struggles the dog has, and how I should build upon the foundation that he has built. My trainer basically gives me a roadmap for success,” Pike explained.
Another reason Pike likes letting a trainer start a new puppy is because a trainer has the facility and training grounds to train a dog properly. “A good trainer has live birds, bird launchers, a good kennel system and all the tools that are needed to start a dog off right,” Pike noted. “Most trainers have plenty of ground for running dogs. When you bring a dog to a good trainer, the new puppy is going to be worked with on a daily basis in this environment. If the dog was at my house, it wouldn’t get trained nearly as well. This is why so many dogs never reach their full potential. The dog owner doesn’t have the time or tools to train the dog properly.” Brent typically brings his new puppy to a trainer several times over the course of its first year of life. He even has his seasoned dogs trained for a few weeks each year. “We invest a lot of time and money into our hunting dogs and I think having a professional trainer be part of the training process really helps a dog reach their full potential. I am not a professional trainer nor do I have the time to be. I love having a trainer that can train my dog and I,” Pike said with a laugh.
Some dog owners want to train their dog completely on their own and there is nothing wrong with that, but for those who are short on time, investing in a few training sessions with a trainer can pay big dividends for the rest of a dog’s life. Laying a good foundation shortly after a puppy is brought home greatly increases the odds that the dog will be a rockstar not a dud.